バルサ下部組織出身のJリーガーが横浜FMに忠誠 “マリノス愛”の特別スパイクが話題




When Art and Football merge to share powerful messages to the world… • Thank you my friend @grabuloski and the rest of the team from the best customizing platform in Europe @s.ignaturemkd for this “Wings” design + color based on @yokohamaf.marinos ! • Check the work of these fabulous artists I am very happy to collaborate with and stay tuned, on following posts I will reveal the true meaning of this design and how it will serve as a great inspiration to me on the field, and hopefully to everyone else. #Fly #Freedom #Potential #Football #Art

David Babunskiさん(@davidbabunski)がシェアした投稿 –



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