ブラジルの英雄リバウド、旧友ロナウジーニョの収監に悲しみ 「美しい物語の汚点」
【動画】「NBS Television」公式ツイッターが公開、ブラジル代表FWロナウジーニョの日韓W杯での伝説FK弾
【PR】ABEMA de DAZN、日本代表選手の注目試合を毎節2試合無料生中継!
ON THIS DAY in the 2002 FIFA World Cup with Brazil and England at 1-1 in the quarter finals, Ronaldinho took this free kick around 40 yards from goal in a seemingly impossible position to score from. Last year, he picked this as the best goal of his career. #NBSSports #FBF pic.twitter.com/dtxAtmJoKF
— NBS Television (@nbstv) June 21, 2019
【動画】「NBS Television」公式ツイッターが公開、ブラジル代表FWロナウジーニョの日韓W杯での伝説FK弾
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