【PR】DAZNを半額で視聴可能な学生向け「ABEMA de DAZN 学割プラン」が新登場!
この投稿をInstagramで見る Today, 45 years ago, at the 1974 World Cup the Cruyff Turn came out of his hat.. I actually suffered many turns while playing football with him in the garden ???? @johancruyff ❤️ Jordi Cruyffさん(@jordicruyff)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 6月月19日午前3時26分PDT
Today, 45 years ago, at the 1974 World Cup the Cruyff Turn came out of his hat.. I actually suffered many turns while playing football with him in the garden ???? @johancruyff ❤️
Jordi Cruyffさん(@jordicruyff)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 6月月19日午前3時26分PDT