【PR】DAZNを半額で視聴可能な学生向け「ABEMA de DAZN 学割プラン」が新登場!
View this post on Instagram Skill moves on point! ? Check out some of the slickest moves from recent seasons and let us know which #Bundesliga showman is your favourite? ?? Bundesligaさん(@bundesliga_en)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 3月月30日午前3時12分PDT
Skill moves on point! ? Check out some of the slickest moves from recent seasons and let us know which #Bundesliga showman is your favourite? ??
Bundesligaさん(@bundesliga_en)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 3月月30日午前3時12分PDT