【注目】プレミアリーグは「この10年で完全に変わった」 かつては“肉弾戦”も…名将たちが根付かせた戦術の最先端
View this post on Instagram HOW HAS THAT STAYED OUT? Mane is played through by Salah, his effort hits the post and then it somehow stays out! Sky Sportsさん(@skysports)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 1月月3日午後12時39分PST
HOW HAS THAT STAYED OUT? Mane is played through by Salah, his effort hits the post and then it somehow stays out!
Sky Sportsさん(@skysports)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 1月月3日午後12時39分PST