【注目】プレミアリーグは「この10年で完全に変わった」 かつては“肉弾戦”も…名将たちが根付かせた戦術の最先端
View this post on Instagram When you realise Gary Barlow is performing at the @thejamesmilnerfoundation charity ball so you show a bit of thigh to get his attention ? #greattohaveyoubackads #relightmyfire ? #backforgood James Milnerさん(@jamesmilnerofficial)がシェアした投稿 – 2018年10月月22日午前11時12分PDT
When you realise Gary Barlow is performing at the @thejamesmilnerfoundation charity ball so you show a bit of thigh to get his attention ? #greattohaveyoubackads #relightmyfire ? #backforgood
James Milnerさん(@jamesmilnerofficial)がシェアした投稿 – 2018年10月月22日午前11時12分PDT