【PR】ABEMA de DAZN、日本代表選手の注目試合を毎節2試合無料生中継!
View this post on Instagram Good luck and enjoy your farewell match today @p_mertesacker! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you my friend. Thank you for your friendship and wish you all the best for the future! #BFG #MertesHomecoming #friends ??❤️ Lukas Podolskiさん(@poldi_official)がシェアした投稿 – 2018年10月月13日午前4時27分PDT
Good luck and enjoy your farewell match today @p_mertesacker! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you my friend. Thank you for your friendship and wish you all the best for the future! #BFG #MertesHomecoming #friends ??❤️
Lukas Podolskiさん(@poldi_official)がシェアした投稿 – 2018年10月月13日午前4時27分PDT